Jirli, Prasanna SShetty, Ashok Kumar SMestri, S CPatil, V D2011-09-302011-09-302007-10Jirli Prasanna S, Shetty Ashok Kumar S, Mestri SC, Patil VD. Battered child: A case report. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2007 Oct; 29(4): 98-99.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/134810A four year old Muslim female child came with alleged h/o fall in school with bluish discoloration around the left eye, neck, back and limbs. The paediatrician suspected this to be a case of bleeding disorder because of family history as her elder sister was suffering from platelet disorder. Finally it turned out to be a physical assault case with no any ill or evil intention.enBattered childContusionBleeding disorderBattered Child Syndrome --complicationsBlood Coagulation Disorders --etiologyChildContusions --etiologyFemaleHumansIslamBattered child: A case report.Article