Saridewi, Dahrizal DahmayantiNorwahidah, Abdul Karim2020-05-052020-05-052018-04Saridewi Dahrizal Dahmayanti, Norwahidah Abdul Karim. Genes Biomarkers In Autism: Brain Development And Function. International Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Research. 2018 Apr; 4(2): 74-792395-04712521-0394 gravis is an autoimmune disorder that places patients in debilitating condition. It currently affects 14 to 20 per 100,000 population. Its pathogenesis involves the destruction of acetylcholine receptor by antibodies pro-duced by lymphocytes in the thymus gland. Symptoms could vary from impair extraocular muscles to generalized weakness. The antibodies have also been reported to affect other muscle structure within the body such as cardio-myocytes, leading to arrhythmia episodes which could be fatal. This review is a student project and involves the as-sessment of myasthenia gravis and the interplay between thymoma and thymomectomy.AutismGene biomarkersBrain developmentGenes Biomarkers In Autism: Brain Development And FunctionJournal ArticleIndiaDepartment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Cheras, Malaysia