Nayak, SutapaBarik, EloraPattanayak, BirenSwain, SitaramBhattacharyay, Dipankar2020-11-182020-11-182020-05Nayak Sutapa, Barik Elora, Pattanayak Biren, Swain Sitaram, Bhattacharyay Dipankar. Coffea arabica L. Derived Phytochemicals against Haemophilus influenza Causing Conjunctivitis. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2020 May; 32(7): 104-1072456-91192231-2919 from Coffea arabica plant extract are traditionally used to cure conjunctivitis. It is caused by Haemophilus influenza. Molecular docking method applied using “Biovia DiscoveryStudio”. “High positive values of -CDOCKER energy and -CDOCKER interaction energy” suggested that caffeine and chlorogenic acid can efficiently deactivate the shikimate dehydrogenase enzyme which will result in interruption of the life cycle of the microorganismPhytochemicalCoffea arabica L.Haemophilus influenzaCoffea arabica L. Derived Phytochemicals against Haemophilus influenza Causing ConjunctivitisJournal ArticleIndiaCenturion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, IndiaCenturion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, IndiaCenturion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, IndiaCenturion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, IndiaCenturion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, IndiaGo to Market Laboratory, Gram Tarang, Odisha, India