Nair, S BMukundan, GPaul, B MRamachandran, LGopinathan, K KJoseph, Sajayan2012-11-262012-11-262006-09Nair S B, Mukundan G, Paul B M, Ramachandran L, Gopinathan K K, Joseph Sajayan. Chromosome 12;15 rearrangements in patients with recurrent miscarriage. Indian Journal of Human Genetics. 2006 Sept; 12(3): 133-139. An abnormal karyotype in either partner, especially featuring a translocation and/or inversion is considered to be a cause of recurrent miscarriages. It is generally assumed that recurrent miscarriage might be due to recurrent chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus due to a balanced aberration in one of the parents being inherited by the offspring in an unbalanced form. Aim: Evaluation of chromosomal rearrangements in couples with recurrent miscarriages. Materials and Methods: Peripheral blood was collected and lymphocyte cultures were set up. Slides prepared from the cell suspension were stained and screened for metaphases followed by karyotyping. Result: Balanced translocation was observed in the male partner in one case and in the female partners in the three other cases. Conclusion: Couples with recurrent miscarriage should be investigated for chromosomal rearrangements, thus helping in genetic counseling and providing the options for future pregnancies.enChromosomal rearrangementscytogeneticsGTG bandingpregnancy lossreciprocal translocationrecurrent miscarriagerobertsonian translocationChromosome 12;15 rearrangements in patients with recurrent miscarriage.Article