Goel, AshishVenkat, RKumar, AAdkoli, B VSood, Rita2012-06-212012-06-212010-05Goel Ashish, Venkat R, Kumar A, Adkoli B V, Sood Rita. Structured internship orientation programme for undergraduate students: Easy transition to clinical work. National Medical Journal of India. 2010 May-Jun; 23(3): 160-162.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/139123Background. Internship is a phase of training when a new graduate is expected to acquire skills under supervision, so that he/she may become capable of functioning independently. Often, new graduates go through this period without a clear aim. We conducted an orientation programme before fresh graduates started their 1-year internship to familiarize them with their clinical tasks and their role in the community. Methods. Interns were invited to participate in a one-anda- half day programme conducted by faculty members and administrators that included interactive lectures, structured panel discussions, group discussions and role plays. The participants provided feedback using a structured questionnaire and during informal group discussions. They were also evaluated by a pre-test and post-test questionnaire. Results. Of the 41 interns who attended the programme on day 1 and the 28 who completed it on day 2, 19 completed the post-test questionnaire. The post-test score (median 14.5; range 10–18) represented a significant improvement over the pre-test score (median 13, range 3–16). All participants felt that the workshop was successful in achieving its objectives. Conclusion. A brief and structured orientation programme before internship offers a practical means of making the transition of new graduates from students to practising doctors smoother.enEducation, Medical, GraduateHumansIndiaInservice TrainingInternship and ResidencyQuestionnairesStatistics, NonparametricStructured internship orientation programme for undergraduate students: Easy transition to clinical work.Article