Varadharajan, RameshParida, SatyenBadhe, Ashok2015-11-072015-11-072015-10Varadharajan Ramesh, Parida Satyen, Badhe Ashok. Large left ventricular pseudoaneurysm and spontaneous recanalized coronaries. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia. 2015 Oct; 18(4): 571-572. year old with ruptured lateral wall of Left ventricle (LV) resulting in large pseudo aneurysm contained within the pericardium [Figure 1]. There was free flow of blood between the LV and pseudoaneurysm .He underwent endoventricular patch plasty of the defect after opening the wall of aneurysm [Figure 2].enLV PseudoaneurysmRecanalised coronaryTransesophageal echoLarge left ventricular pseudoaneurysm and spontaneous recanalized coronaries.Article