Vatanasapt, VAreemit, SJeeravipoolvarn, PKuyyakanond, TKuptarnond, C2009-05-272009-05-271989-04-01Vatanasapt V, Areemit S, Jeeravipoolvarn P, Kuyyakanond T, Kuptarnond C. Red rubber bulb, cheap and effective vacuum drainage. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand. 1989 Apr; 72(4): 193-7 Thangphaet.Red rubber bulbs have been used for vacuum drainage in head, neck, breast and several other operations by the authors since 1975 quite effectively without any major problems. The vacuum pressure of the red rubber bulbs was found to be higher than the expensive commercially available vacuum wound drainage device. The question of remaining old blood and infective microorganisms inside the reservoir for the reused ones were tested by the manual cleaning process and the standard sterile technique using steam under increased pressure (autoclave). The result is quite satisfactory. We encourage the use of this cheap and effective (made in Thailand) vacuum wound drainage in Thai hospitals and Thai medical schools.engDrainage --instrumentationHumansRubberThailandVacuumRed rubber bulb, cheap and effective vacuum drainage.Journal Article