Kalyani, RKumar, M L HarendraSrikantia, S H2005-04-092009-05-292005-04-092009-05-292005-04-09Kalyani R, Kumar ML, Srikantia SH. Primary adenocarcinoma of fallopian tube--a case report. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2005 Apr; 48(2): 219-21http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/72637Primary adenocarcinoma of fallopian tube is the rarest gynecological malignancy of female genital system which is usually misdiagnosed as ovarian tumour or tubo-ovarian mass. We present a case in a 40 year old female.engAdenocarcinoma --diagnosisAdultFallopian Tube Neoplasms --diagnosisFallopian Tubes --pathologyFemaleHumansHysterectomyPrimary adenocarcinoma of fallopian tube--a case report.Case Reports