Udwadia, F EAdvani, SJain, MGupta, R1987-06-012009-05-311987-06-012009-05-311987-06-01Udwadia FE, Advani S, Jain M, Gupta R. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome--a study of two case reports with manifest HIV infection. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 1987 Jun; 35(6): 454-7http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/91016engAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome --complicationsAdultFemaleHIV SeropositivityHumansIndiaMaleNeoplasms --etiologyOpportunistic Infections --etiologyAcquired immunodeficiency syndrome--a study of two case reports with manifest HIV infection.Case Reports