Daryani, Nasser EbrahimiHosseini, ParvizBashashati, MohammadHaidarali, MonaSayyah, Alireza2007-05-212009-05-292007-05-212009-05-292007-05-21Daryani NE, Hosseini P, Bashashati M, Haidarali M, Sayyah A. Butachlor-induced acute toxic hepatitis. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2007 May-Jun; 26(3): 135-6http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/64732Butachlor is a highly effective herbicidal substance widely used by farmers. We report a 60-year-old man with exfoliative dermatitis, jaundice, increase in liver enzymes and eosinophilia one day after accidental dermal exposure to butachlor toxin. The diagnostic workup showed no other cause and liver histology was consistent with substance-induced toxic hepatitis. Within two weeks of conservative therapy, his liver function tests returned to normal.engAcetanilides --poisoningAcute DiseaseHepatitis, Toxic --etiologyHerbicides --poisoningHumansMaleMiddle AgedButachlor-induced acute toxic hepatitis.Case Reports