Bharti, SudhankSharma, SourabhSingh, BhupeshBharti, Neha2023-08-252023-08-252022-04Bharti Sudhank, Sharma Sourabh, Singh Bhupesh, Bharti Neha. Vitrector-assisted anterior capsulorhexis in adult intumescent cataract. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2022 Apr; 70(4): 1408-14091998-36890301-4738 capsulorhexis in white intumescent cataracts during phacoemulsification surgery is challenging for cataract surgeons because of high intralenticular pressure and reduced red reflex. Capsulorhexis extension to the periphery of the lens is a common occurrence due to lens intumescence. We used a vitrectomy cutter to create an initial tear in the anterior capsule and simultaneously remove a part of milky fluid coming out of the intumescent lens. Once the lens was decompressed, capsulorhexis was completed using capsulorhexis forceps. This technique helped in controlling capsulorhexis in eyes with intumescent cataracts by reducing the intralenticular pressure and thereby preventing unexpected radial capsular tearCapsulorhexisintumescent cataractsvitrectorVitrector-assisted anterior capsulorhexis in adult intumescent cataractJournal ArticleIndiaDepartment of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Bharti Eye Foundation and Hospital, New Delhi, India