Srinivas, H VAntani, J AKrishnamurthy, K RKawatekar, PManthalkar, R1972-11-012009-05-311972-11-012009-05-311972-11-01Srinivas HV, Antani JA, Krishnamurthy KR, Kawatekar P, Manthalkar R. Ocular myopathy--a nonmetastatic manifestation of carcinoma cervix (case report). Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 1972 Nov; 20(11): 877-9, Squamous Cell --complicationsFemaleHumansMiddle AgedOphthalmoplegia --etiologyUterine Cervical Neoplasms --complicationsOcular myopathy--a nonmetastatic manifestation of carcinoma cervix (case report).Case Reports