Dixit, SudhirJain, AshishDatar, SuhasSinha, Nagendra2015-12-192015-12-192010-05Dixit Sudhir, Jain Ashish, Datar Suhas, Sinha Nagendra. Occipital Osteodiastasis. Indian Pediatrics. 2010 May; 47(5): 440-442.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/168537Occipital osteodiastasis (OOD) is a prominent traumatic lesion in neonates born by breech, during delivery of after coming head. The lesion consists of traumatic separation of the cartilaginous joint between the squamous and lateral portion of the occipital bone resulting in a posterior fossa subdural haemorrhage associated with laceration of the cerebellum. We report a term female baby with OOD born by breeach extraction with X-ray skull showing separation of squamous and lateral portion of occipital bone and NCCT brain revealing large extra axial bleed in the right temporo-parieto-occiptal region.enBreech extractionBirth traumaNeonateOsteodiastasisOccipital Osteodiastasis.Article