Naik, RLobo, F DKamath, A S1993-07-012009-05-291993-07-012009-05-291993-07-01Naik R, Lobo FD, Kamath AS. Chorioangioma of placenta: report of 3 cases. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 1993 Jul; 36(3): 285-8 are commonest benign tumors of placenta, but those measuring more than 5 cms are rare. We present three cases of large chorioangiomas. Of the three, two cases were associated with hydramnios and premature labour.engAdultFemaleHemangioma --pathologyHumansPlacenta Diseases --pathologyPregnancyChorioangioma of placenta: report of 3 cases.Case Reports