Talwar, KshamaTalwar, AnkurTalwar, SureshBindal, Manisha2017-02-032017-02-032014-02Talwar Kshama, Talwar Ankur, Talwar Suresh, Bindal Manisha. Erythematous Nodules on Face: A Dermatologist’s Dilemma. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2014 Feb; 24(9): 834-839.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/182956Granuloma faciale (GF) is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown origin characterized by nodular or granulomatous lesions on the face in adults. It is now regarded as a variant of vasculitis in which eosinophils are particularly numerous. It remains a benign, though chronic condition, not associated with systemic lesions like other forms of vasculitis. We report a case of 24-year-old male who presented with multiple erythematous nodules on photoexposed areas since past 2 years. The patient had been previously treated for Hansen’s disease for 3 months but with no relief. The patient responded wonderfully to intralesional triamcinolone and topical tacrolimus after two initial failed attempts with intralesional cryotherapy.enGranuloma facialevasculitiserythematous nodulesintralesional triamcinolonetopical tacrolimusErythematous Nodules on Face: A Dermatologist’s Dilemma.Article