Kaur, MKabra, MKher, ANaik, GBharucha, B AVerma, I C1996-09-012009-05-271996-09-012009-05-271996-09-01Kaur M, Kabra M, Kher A, Naik G, Bharucha BA, Verma IC. Clinical and enzyme studies in Gaucher disease. Indian Pediatrics. 1996 Sep; 33(9): 735-8http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/6585OBJECTIVE: To study the clinical and biochemical spectrum of Gaucher disease. DESIGN: Assay of beta glucosidase enzyme in leucocytes in patients with splenomegaly, and in chorionic villi for prenatal diagnosis. SETTING: Hospital-based. SUBJECTS: Of 13 cases of Gaucher disease, aged 1-6 years, 9 were identified at Delhi and 4 at Bombay. RESULTS: The enzyme beta-glucosidase was 0.65 nmol/h/mg of protein or less in all the cases in Delhi, and 2.5 nmol/h/mg of protein or less in Bombay. All cases except one belonged to type 1 (hepatosplenomegaly), while one case was of type 2 (neuronopathic). Prenatal diagnosis was carried out in one family and the fetus was found to be affected. CONCLUSION: In children with hepatosplenomegaly and increased acid phosphatase, assay of beta-glucosidase enzyme confirms the diagnosis of Gaucher disease. Diagnosis of the disease is important because enzyme replacement therapy is available and prenatal diagnosis is possible.engChildChild, PreschoolClinical Enzyme TestsFemaleGaucher Disease --diagnosisHumansInfantSplenomegalybeta-Glucosidase --bloodClinical and enzyme studies in Gaucher disease.Case Reports