Kerketta, Lily SRao, Vundinti BabuGhosh, Kanjaksha2016-01-072016-01-072014-02Kerketta Lily S, Rao Vundinti Babu, Ghosh Kanjaksha .Chimeric Fusion Karyotypes in Childhood B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Indian Pediatrics. 2014 February; 51(2): 152-153. study using combination of conventional cytogenetics and fluorescent insitu hybridization was carried out in 171 pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients subgrouped to B-ALL (n=126) and T-ALL (n=45) by bone marrow morphology and immunophenotype. The chromosomal aberration frequency in B-ALL and T-ALL was 79% and 71%, respectively. TEL/AML1 translocation was detected in 28% of patients.enComplex chromosomal changeFISHGemsabanded karyotypeTranslocationsChimeric Fusion Karyotypes in Childhood B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.Article