Shah, H KKantharia, CShenoy, A S1997-01-012009-06-021997-01-012009-06-021997-01-01Shah HK, Kantharia C, Shenoy AS. Intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 1997 Jan-Mar; 43(1): 14-5 facial nerve schwannoma are uncommon. Preoperative diagnosis of parotid tumour as schwannoma is difficult when facial nerve function is normal. A rare case of solitary schwannoma involving the upper branch of the facial nerve is described and the literature on the subject is reviewed.engAdultFacial Nerve Diseases --pathologyFemaleHumansNeurilemmoma --pathologyParotid Neoplasms --pathologyIntraparotid facial nerve schwannoma.Case Reports