Padmapriyadarsini, CShobana, MLakshmi, MBeena, TSwaminathan, Soumya2017-01-052017-01-052016-07Padmapriyadarsini C, Shobana M, Lakshmi M, Beena T, Swaminathan Soumya. Undernutrition & tuberculosis in India: Situation analysis & the way forward. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2016 July; 144(1): 11-20. and tuberculosis (TB) are linked and have a bidirectional relationship. Undernutrition increases the risk of TB which in turn, can lead to malnutrition. Undernutrition not only is a risk factor for progression of latent TB infection to active disease, but also increases the risk of drug toxicity, relapse and death once TB develops. The dietary intake of TB patients in the country is inadequate. Nutritional supplementation in patients with TB is associated with faster sputum conversion, higher cure and treatment completion rates, significant gain in body weight and body composition as well as better performance status. The Government of India has various social support schemes (including nutrition supplementation schemes) and policies, at the Centre as well as State levels. Here we discuss some successful examples and suggest a few solutions to address this gap; like considering TB patients as a vulnerable group for “Targeted Public Distribution System” and providing extra rations for the duration of treatment. Recommendations for the research community, civil societies, government organizations, non-governmental and corporate sector on the actions needed to achieve the goals of the End TB Strategy are also provided. Ultimately, reduction of TB burden in India and its elimination will require improving the nutritional status of the community as a whole.enNutritional supplementationrisk factorsocial supporttuberculosisundernutritionUndernutrition & tuberculosis in India: Situation analysis & the way forward.Article