Nitin, TVidhi, MAnamika, S2013-09-032013-09-032013-07Nitin T, Vidhi M, Anamika S. Pregnancy Induced Gingival Enlargement-A Case Report. People’s Journal of Scientific Research. 2013 July; 6(2): 60-62. enlargement is a common clinical problem, sometimes associated with specific conditions. This condition finds a unique place in the literature, because it has been associated with a variety of local and systemic factors.In puberty and pregnancy, gingival enlargement can be due to poor oral hygiene, inadequate nutrition, or systemic variation in hormonal stimulation. This case report present the clinical , histopathological features as well as the treatment of the inflammatory gingival enlargement in pregnancy, where pregnancy altered the tissue metabolism which disturbed the aesthetics and masticatory function of the patient.enPregnancyGingival enlargementGingivectomyPregnancy Induced Gingival Enlargement-A Case Report.Article