Reddy, VishwanathPatil, Renuka2023-06-172023-06-172021-07Reddy Vishwanath, Patil Renuka. Our experience with Radio - Pathological diagnosis of liver lesions in a tertiary health care centre.. Medica Innovatica. 2021 Jul; 10(1): 24-302278-75262320-7582 The diagnosis of space occupying lesions of liver is always a challenge especially when the lesions are multifocal in location. Imaging modalities, serum markers and pathological investigations will definitely help in arriving at a specific diagnosis for appropriate patient management and prognosis. Aim: The aim of the current study is to know the importance of various imaging modalities in diagnosing the space occupying lesions of liver and to find an association of Radiological with Pathological diagnosis and serum markers. Materials and methods: This retrospective study was performed over period of one year. Clinically suspicious cases for malignancy were assessed by the imaging modalities such as Ultrasonography (USG), Computed Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI). Further Radiologically confirmed cases were subjected for Fine needle aspiration (FNA)/biopsy under the USG guidance, while serum markers were retrieved from laboratory investigation archives. Association of Radiological and Pathological diagnosis with serum markers was performed and analyzed. Results: The study was conducted on 70 cases of hepatic lesion. Male to female ratio was 1.5:1 with mean age of 54.47±1.5. Most of cases were diagnosed with MDCT scan. About 95.7% cases were malignancy of which 13.4% were HCC. Among malignant cases, metastatic lesions were more prevalent which were mostly adenocarcinoma. Radiological and pathological diagnosis found to have significant association, only few cases showed the discrepancies. Serum AFP was found to have high levels in 7 cases of HCC, while other 2 HCC cases and metastatic lesions were within normal range. Conclusion: The diagnostic accuracy of hepatic lesion enhances with utility of radiological patterns in conjunction with pathological diagnosis and serum markers. Association of radiological and pathological findings found to have statically significant value in the current study.hepatic lesionshepatocellular carcinomametastatic malignancy and Radiological imaging.Our experience with Radio - Pathological diagnosis of liver lesions in a tertiary health care centre.Journal ArticleIndiaDepartment of Radiology, Yenepoya Medical Collage Mangalore, Karnataka, IndiaDepartment of Pathology, Yenepoya Medical Collage Mangalore, Karnataka, India.