Roy, Partha PratimAgarwala, AbinashSarkar, Samir KumarMandal, Animesh2015-11-302015-11-302015-09Roy Partha Pratim, Agarwala Abinash, Sarkar Samir Kumar, Mandal Animesh. PUO with multiple abscesses due to Burkholderia pseudomallei: a case report. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2015 Sept; 3(9): 2506-2509.2320-60712320-6012 is an infectious disease of humans and animals caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei, previously called as Pseudomonas pseudomallei. We reported a case of a 14 year old female patient presented with fever for last 3 months and multiple swellings of joints, misdiagnosed as M.D.R. T.B. But after proper evaluation diagnosed as multiple joint abscess due to Pseudomonas pseudomallei mimiking tuberculosis. Sporadic cases of melioidosis from various parts of South India and Western costal India have been reported, but remained underdiagnosed due to lack of awareness.enPUOMultiple abscessesOsteomyelitisBurkholderia pseudomalleiMelioidosisPUO with multiple abscesses due to Burkholderia pseudomallei: a case report.Article