Sankar, SPonnusamy, G2001-11-312009-05-292001-11-312009-05-292001-11-31Sankar S, Ponnusamy G. Jejunal leiomyosarcoma presenting as chronic intra-abdominal abscess. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2001 Nov-Dec; 20(6): 244-5 report a 35-year-old man with jejunal leiomyosarcoma who presented with chronic intra-abdominal abscess. He underwent drainage of the abscess initially but was re-explored four months later when a mass developed. Total excision of the tumor was done.engAbdominal Abscess --diagnosisAdultChronic DiseaseDiagnosis, DifferentialDrainage --methodsFollow-Up StudiesHumansJejunal Neoplasms --diagnosisLaparotomyLeiomyosarcoma --diagnosisMaleSepsis --diagnosisTomography, X-Ray ComputedJejunal leiomyosarcoma presenting as chronic intra-abdominal abscess.Case Reports