Nagral, S SPatel, C VPathare, P TPandit, A AMittal, B V1991-01-012009-06-021991-01-012009-06-021991-01-01Nagral SS, Patel CV, Pathare PT, Pandit AA, Mittal BV. Actinomycotic pseudo-tumour of the mid-cervical region (a case report). Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 1991 Jan; 37(1): 62-4 actinomycosis is today a rare disease in our country. Isolated actinomycotic neck masses are extremely rare. A case of young man with an isolated midcervical tumour like actinomycotic granuloma without sinuses or discharging granules is reported here.engActinomycosis, Cervicofacial --diagnosisAdultCombined Modality TherapyGranuloma, Plasma Cell --diagnosisHumansMaleActinomycotic pseudo-tumour of the mid-cervical region (a case report).Case Reports