Rattan, K NSodhi, DGeeta, GMathur,Abrol, P1995-02-012009-05-291995-02-012009-05-291995-02-01Rattan KN, Sodhi D, Geeta G, Mathur , Abrol P. Gall stones in children (non hemolytic) (case reports). Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. 1995 Feb; 49(2): 32-4http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/67157Gall bladder disease is considered rare in child hood and hence is frequently over looked in the differential diagnosis as the classical clinical picture and laboratory confirmation in adults does not apply to children. Attention must be paid to the possibility of gall stones in the evaluation of children with non specific abdominal symptoms. Ultrasonography has become a very accurate tool for the evaluation of these children. Once the diagnosis of cholelithiasis is established, elective cholecystectomy is the treatment of choice.engChildCholelithiasis --diagnosisFemaleHumansMaleGall stones in children (non hemolytic) (case reports).Case Reports