Ranjith, GUthup, SusanSatish, BJain, Naveen2006-01-312009-05-302006-01-312009-05-302006-01-31Ranjith G, Uthup S, Satish B, Jain N. Salt wasting disorder in the newborn. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2006 Jan; 73(1): 95-6http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/83822The clinical presentation of pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA) mimics congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Poor response of the dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities to steroid therapy should make one suspect PHA. The treatment is supportive in the form of salt replacement and sodium resonium. We report a case of PHA that presented as salt wasting on the second day of life, initially appearing like CAH. The baby responded well to sodium resonium and salt replacement.engAdrenal Hyperplasia, CongenitalCation Exchange Resins --therapeutic useCyclooxygenase Inhibitors --therapeutic useDiagnosis, DifferentialHumansIndomethacin --therapeutic useInfant, NewbornMalePolystyrenes --therapeutic usePseudohypoaldosteronism --diagnosisSaline Solution, Hypertonic --therapeutic useSalt wasting disorder in the newborn.Case Reports