Rangaswami, MangalasundaramAnitha, MoorthiSreelakshm, Mohanachandran2020-11-182020-11-182020-05Rangaswami Mangalasundaram, Anitha Moorthi, Sreelakshm Mohanachandran. A Rare Case of Radiation Induced Hypoparathyroidism Resulting in Hypocalcaemic Seizures and Brain Calcinosis.. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2020 May; 9(20): 1619-16212278-48022278-4748http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/214916A 53-year-old female with 2 episodes of seizures was brought to the hospital. Seizure episode was manifested as tonic contraction of all limbs, lip smacking movements and frothing from mouth and loss of consciousness for few minutes, after which she had recovered completely. No history of head injury, or limb weakness, or deviation of angle of mouth to any side, headache or fever.History of thyroid surgery about 20 years back along with radio-iodine therapy following surgery, as informed by the patient and attender. But details regarding thyroidectomy procedure, radio-iodine therapy were not available.Not a known patient of diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy, or heart disease. She is on Thyroxine 100mcg,Mangalasundaram RangaswamiMoorthi AnithaMohanachandran SreelakshmA Rare Case of Radiation Induced Hypoparathyroidism Resulting in Hypocalcaemic Seizures and Brain Calcinosis.Journal ArticleIndiaDepartment of General Medicine, Government Vellore Medical College, Adukkamparai, Tamilnadu, IndiaDepartment of General Medicine, Government Vellore Medical College, Adukkamparai, Tamilnadu, India.Department of General Medicine, Government Vellore Medical College, Adukkamparai, Tamilnadu, India.