Begum, Mst. Rabea2020-01-022020-01-022019-11Begum Mst. Rabea. Physiotherapy for traumatic brachial plexus injury: A Case Report. Annals of International medical and Dental Research. 2019 Nov; 5(6): 6-82395-28222395-2814 brachial plexus injury is a rare condition that is commonly categorized as traumatic or obstetric injuries. The brachial plexus injuries commonly occurred due to motor vehicle accidents. This plexus is created problem with a lack of sensory and motor dysfunction, neurologic degeneration, atrophy of related muscle groups. The physiotherapist is aware effectively to create a plan of care for the betterment of patient’s condition. The case study was used to highlight the effectiveness of physiotherapy for traumatic brachial plexus injury. 3.6 years old girl was diagnosed as left brachial plexus injury. The child is receiving physiotherapy treatment from November 2018 to till now, 3 times in a week. The treatment focused on improving active movement, muscle power, sensation, weight bearing and unimanual and bimanual function. This child’s clinical status is improving day by day including: ROM, muscle strength, improved symmetrical weight bearing, unimanual and bimanual function. The outcome measures were goniometer, Oxford muscle grading scale and Nrakas Sensory Grading System for sensory assessment. The shoulder active movement especially flexion, abduction and external rotation, elbow flexion was increases. The muscle power of shoulder flexor, abductor, external rotator and elbow flexor were also improved but the sensation of elbow area is only improved. The sensation of shoulder area was not changed. This case studies highlighted that physiotherapy is effective to improve ROM, muscle power, weightbearing as well as function (one hand and both hand) for traumatic brachial plexus injury.Brachial plexus injuryphysiotherapyPhysiotherapy for traumatic brachial plexus injury: A Case ReportJournal ArticleIndiaSenior Clinical Physiotherapist and Incharge of Physiotherapy Services, Paediatric Unit, Physiotherapy Department, Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP), Savar, Dhaka-1343, Bangladesh