Satasia, Dr. Ravi V.Patel, Dr. LakirVanvi, Dr. KuldeepPatel, Dr. JaykumarPanchal, Dr. AarshPayala, Dr.Aimanhusen M.2023-07-212023-07-212022-06Satasia Dr. Ravi V., Patel Dr. Lakir, Vanvi Dr. Kuldeep, Patel Dr. Jaykumar, Panchal Dr. Aarsh, Payala Dr.Aimanhusen M.. ANALYSIS AND COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TOPICAL CONSERVATIVEMEDICATION VERSUS OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT IN PATIENTS OFANAL FISSURE. Indian Journal of Applied-Basic Medical Sciences. 2022 Jun; 38(24A): 1-100975-89172249-7935 fissures or anal ulcers are considered one of the commonest causes of severe analpain. Surgical techniques like manual anal(lords) dilatation or lateral internalsphincterotomy, effectively heal most fissures within a few weeks, but mayresult in permanently impaired anal continence. This has led to the research foralternative non-surgical treatmentAIMS AND OBJECTIVES:The present study comprises the comparative study of 2% Diltiazem gel,0.2% Glyceryl Nitrate,2%lignocaine jelly application and need of surgical intervention in the treatment of chronic fissure inano.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a prospective study of fissure in ano during the period from September 2020 to September2021 in Sheth Lallubhai Gordhandas Municipal General Hospital, Ahmedabad. Clinical Data ofadmitted patient were collected by their detail history after stabilizing the patient, clinicalexamination with appropriate investigations.OBSERVATION AND DISCUSSION:Anal fissure is a very common problem across the world. It causes considerablemorbidity and adversely affects the quality of life. Therefore appropriate treatment ismandatory.In this study the commonest age group affected was 31-40 years agegroup (40%) and least affected were 51-60 years age groupThe incidence of fissure in males was slightly greater than females with MaleFemale ratio being 2.2: 1 in our study.CONCLUSION:Propper clinical examination and appropriate investigations helps in management of patient eitheroperative or non-operative which leads successful treatment in these patients.Fissure in anosite of fissurepain reliefNitroglycerinDiltiazemANALYSIS AND COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TOPICAL CONSERVATIVEMEDICATION VERSUS OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT IN PATIENTS OFANAL FISSUREJournal ArticleIndiaASSOSIATE PROFESSOR & HEAD OF UNITSENIOR RESIDENTRESIDENTDOCTOR MS, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SURGERYSHETH LALLUBHAIGORDHANDAS MUNICIPAL GENERAL HOSPITAL, and AMC MET MEDICALCOLLEGE, MANINAGAR, AHMEDABAD, INDIA