Bapat, K CMalde, H MPandit, A AMittal, B VKedar, R PBapat, R DRelekar, R G1992-04-012009-06-021992-04-012009-06-021992-04-01Bapat KC, Malde HM, Pandit AA, Mittal BV, Kedar RP, Bapat RD, Relekar RG. Solitary retroperitoneal angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 1992 Apr-Jun; 38(2): 90-4 references.The fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and ultrasound radiologic features of a solitary retroperitoneal angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia (AFLNH), hyaline vascular type are described. Based on a combination of the two, this diagnosis can be suggested in the differential diagnosis of a retroperitoneal mass.engAdolescentBiopsy, NeedleDiagnosis, DifferentialGiant Lymph Node Hyperplasia --pathologyHumansMaleRetroperitoneal SpaceSolitary retroperitoneal angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia.Case Reports