Vijayaraghavan, JayaVasudevan, DSadique, NaziraRajeswari, K SPondurangi, MonnaJayshree,2006-05-252009-05-312006-05-252009-05-312006-05-25Vijayaraghavan J, Vasudevan D, Sadique N, Rajeswari KS, Pondurangi M, Jayshree . A rare case of Guillain-Barre syndrome with pregnancy. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2006 May; 104(5): 269-70 syndrome is a rare neuorological disorder affecting 6-24/ 1,00,000 population during pregnancy. The case involved a 29-year-old woman conceived after 14 years of marriage presenting with 16 weeks pregnancy and clinical symptoms of Guillain-Barre syndrome. It was confirmed by nerve conduction test and patient was started on intravenous immunoglobulin. She had a rapid recovery following therapy and subsequent follow-up 3 months later showed complete recovery and healthy ongoing pregnancy. Various diagnostic and treatment options are discussed.engAdultFemaleGuillain-Barre Syndrome --diagnosisHumansImmunoglobulin G --metabolismImmunoglobulins, Intravenous --therapeutic usePregnancyPregnancy Complications --diagnosisA rare case of Guillain-Barre syndrome with pregnancy.Case Reports