Newton, John Richard2019-11-162019-11-162014-07Newton John Richard. Improving access to psychosocial interventions for psychosis. Andhra Pradesh Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2014 Jul-Dec; 15(2): 157-1612249-5851 the introduction of new antipsychotics and improved access to Clozapine over the last 50 or so years, the clinical outcome for people with schizophreniform illnesses has shown little demonstrable improvement. Over the same period of time, a range of evidence based psychological interventions have been developed. Health services research suggest that only a small proportion of people with serious mental illness receive these evidence based psychological interventions. This editorial will focus on reviewing the psychological and psychosocial interventions that have been developed for psychosis and consider what mental health services may need to do to improve the symptomatic and functional outcome for their patients with schizophreniaMental Health ServicesPsychological InterventionsPsychosocial InterventionsSchizophreniaImproving access to psychosocial interventions for psychosisJournal ArticleIndiaAssociate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, Department of Psychiatry; Medical Director, Mental Health Austin Health, Heidelberg Victoria, Australia