Patangi, Sanjay OrathiSingh, Rajendra KumarPauli, Henning2014-12-102014-12-102014-10Patangi Sanjay Orathi, Singh Rajendra Kumar, Pauli Henning. Right-sided aortic arch with Kommerell's aneurysm. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia. 2014 Oct; 17(4): 311- 313. present a case report of a 55‑year‑old lady who presented with progressive dysphagia and was diagnosed with a Kommerell’s aneurysm and a right‑sided aortic arch. This case report outlines our management strategy and the challenges encountered during the perioperative period in a patient with this rare anomaly.enAnesthetic managementKommerell’s aneurysmAorta, Thoracic --pathologyAorta, Thoracic --radiographyAorta, Thoracic --surgeryAortic Aneurysm, Thoracic --diagnosisAortic Aneurysm, Thoracic --surgeryDiagnosis, DifferentialFemaleHumansMagnetic Resonance Imaging --methodsMiddle AgedTomography, X-Ray Computed --methodsRight-sided aortic arch with Kommerell's aneurysm.Article