Salman, Jehan Abdul SattarMarjani, Mohammed F AlGhani, Zaynab Saad Abdul2016-10-062016-10-062016-07Salman Jehan Abdul Sattar, Marjani Mohammed F Al, Ghani Zaynab Saad Abdul. Inhibition of Cancer Cells Line by Biosurfactant Produced from Leuconostocmesenteroidesssp Cremoris. Acta Medica International. 2016 Jul-Dec; 3(2): 121-125. This brief research was initiated to search for cytotoxic effect of bio surfactant produced by Leuconostocmesenteroidesssp. cremorisisolated from raw cow’s milk. Methods: Extraction of extracellular bio sufactant was completed and partially purified by cold acetone precipitation, bio surfactant were tested against two cell lines, AMN3 (cancer cell line of mice mammary gland) and REF (noon cancerous normal cell line transformed) specifically regarding cell viability and proliferation. Results: Bio surfactant was found to decrease viability of AMN3 cancer cell line studied at concentrations 1:3,2:2 and 1:3 V/V (biosurfactant: free serum media), the inhibition percentage were 56.4%, 56.8% and 51.8% respectively, without affecting normal fibroblasts growth. Conclusion: The results gathered in this work are very promising regarding the bio surfactant potential for cancer treatment and encourage further work with other cell lines.enCancer cell linebiosurfactantLeuconostocmesenteroideInhibition of Cancer Cells Line by Biosurfactant Produced from Leuconostocmesenteroidesssp Cremoris.Article