Johnson, D EScott, R MNisalak, AKennedy, R S2009-05-272009-05-271980-06-01Johnson DE, Scott RM, Nisalak A, Kennedy RS. Togavirus infection in rural Thailand. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1980 Jun; 11(2): 184-8 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.Hemagglutination inhibition tests for antibody against chikungunya virus and the four dengue viruses were performed on a rural Thai village population. The 50% and 90% prevalence indices fell at about ages 3 and 15 for dengue virus exposure. This is considerably earlier exposure than comparable urban populations. The prevalence of chikungunya virus antibody was also age related with 50% prevalence at about age 45.engAdolescentAdultAntibodies, Viral --analysisChildChild, PreschoolFemaleHumansInfantMaleMiddle AgedRural PopulationThailandTogaviridae Infections --epidemiologyTogavirus infection in rural Thailand.Journal Article