Katara, PriyankaDadhich, AbhilashaSaxena, AnirudhSharma, ShivangiSharma, Devasheesh2020-09-242020-09-242020-03Katara Priyanka, Dadhich Abhilasha, Saxena Anirudh, Sharma Shivangi, Sharma Devasheesh. Morphological and Morphometric Study of Foramen Ovale and Foramen Spinosum in Human Skull. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals. 2020 Mar; 6(2): 94-962454-63642454-6356http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/203589Introduction: Foramen ovale and spinosum are the importantforamina located in the base of skull on the greater wing ofsphenoid. Foramen ovale transmits the mandibular nerve,accessory meningeal artery, lesser petrosal nerve, emissaryvein and occasionally the anterior trunk of the middlemeningeal vein. Foramen spinosum gives passage to middlemeningeal vessels and nervous spinosus. Study of anatomicalvariations of these foramina provides important informationuseful in skull base injury and helpful for procedures liketransfacial fine needle aspiration technique, percutaneoustrigeminal rhizotomy for trigeminal neuralgia, etc.Materials and Methods: 60 dry human skulls were obtainedfrom the department of anatomy, SMS Medical College, Jaipur.The anteroposterior (APD), transverse diameter (TD) offoramen ovale and spinosum were measured by verniercalipers and shapes were observed. Mean and range werecalculated and tabulated.Observations and Results: The mean length of foramenovale was 7.98 mm and 4.24 mm on right side and 7.14 mmand 3.78 mm on left side. Most common shape observed wasoval (74%). The mean length and width of foramen spinosumwas 3.14 mm and 2.68 mm on the right side and 3.05 mm and2.58 mm on left side. The most common shape observed wasrounded (58.5%).Conclusion: No significant difference was found between theforamen spinosum of both sides whereas significant differencewas observed in the size of foramen ovale. The knowledge offoramina is helpful for the neurosurgeons and radiologists.Sphenoid BoneOvaleSpinosumMorphological and Morphometric Study of Foramen Ovale and Foramen Spinosum in Human SkullJournal ArticleIndiaMBBS, MS (Anatomy), Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anatomy, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, IndiaMSc, PhD (Anatomy), Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anatomy, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, IndiaMBBS Student, Government Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, IndiaUndergraduate Student of Physics and Statistics, JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.