Tewari, S CChauhan, M SJayaswal, RRajan, R SAhuja, J M1989-12-012009-05-301989-12-012009-05-301989-12-01Tewari SC, Chauhan MS, Jayaswal R, Rajan RS, Ahuja JM. Enlarging pulmonary histoplasmoma associated with pulmonary tuberculosis. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 1989 Dec; 37(12): 769-71http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/88615Histoplasmosis is not a frequently reported infection from India. Similarity of its clinical and radiological features with pulmonary tuberculosis, may cause a difficult diagnostic dilemma when the two occur together. We report a case who initially presented with cavitary lesions over right lung responding well to anti tuberculosis chemotherapy but subsequently a small opacity present over the left upper zone showed a relentless increase till it attained a massive size few years later. Operative removal and histopathological examination of the mass confirmed it to be histoplasmoma. She became sputum AFB smear positive and culture negative for a short while during this period and this is explained on the basis of previous reports.engAdultBiopsyDiagnosis, DifferentialFemaleHistoplasmosis --diagnosisHumansLung --pathologyLung Diseases, Fungal --diagnosisSuperinfection --diagnosisTuberculosis, Pulmonary --diagnosisEnlarging pulmonary histoplasmoma associated with pulmonary tuberculosis.Case Reports