Srivastava, AshutoshSingh, MastanSingh, K PTripathi, PiyushKumar, RamBanerjee, Gopa2013-09-192013-09-192010-06Srivastava Ashutosh, Singh Mastan, Singh K P, Tripathi Piyush, Kumar Ram, Banerjee Gopa. Identification, Characterization and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Non Fermenters from Clinical Specimens in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 2010 Jun; 42(3): 171-177. study was an attempt to study the prevalence of nonfermenter and its antibiotic susceptibility pattern at CSM Medical University, Lucknow. All the isolates and samples were selected from clinical specimens received in Bacteriology section, P.G. Depart of Microbiology, for culture. The observation were made on the nonfermenter isolates that can be isolated from clinical specimen using simple Laboratory media e.g. Blood Agar & Mac Conkey agar. All relevant history & information were recorded from the subjects. A total of 8340 specimen were screened for a period of one year. The prevalence of nonfermenters came to be 19.09% among all isolates. Most of spp. belongs to oxidase+ve group (77%). P. aeruginosa was found to be most common isolate (53%). Overall sensitivity profile for ciprofloxacin was 60%, P/T 58% & Amikacin 56%. Sensitivity of imepenem was 60% for multi-resistant isolates. The most resistant isolate was Sachrolytic Acinetobacter spp. The knowledge of synergism between drugs in context to different isolates may aid in effective therapy for these isolates.enNonfermenterP. AeruginosaAcinetobacter spp.moraxellaimepenem resistanceIdentification, Characterization and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Non Fermenters from Clinical Specimens in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.Article