Shah, TapasHari, PriyankaDesai, Purvi2020-09-242020-09-242020-02Shah Tapas, Hari Priyanka, Desai Purvi. A Study of Radiological Appearances of Septic Pulmonary Embolism in Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography Thorax. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2020 Feb; 7(2): b1-b42393-915X2454-7379 embolism, though dangerous and life threatening thenumber of cases reported are seldom. To diagnose septicembolism clinic-radiological correlation is must. Studyaimed to depict various radiological appearances of septicthromboembolism according to there frequency of occurenceand using clinical history to strengthen the suspicion of SPEin patients as SPE have grave prognosis if not detected early.Material and methods: Study was done in the GovernmentMedical College Surat including the subjects of clinicallysuspected septic pulmonary thromboembolism and studyingthe radiological pattern of their presentation during the year2018-2019.Results: In this study the most common radiologicalpresentation is feeding vessel sign seen in (90%) of patientsCT, the most common cause is liver abscess constituting (40%)of cases, the most common primary cause in the patients withcomplications and mortality is pneumonia and most commonsequelae is acute respiratory failure constituting (66%) ofmortality and most common chronic ailment association isdiabetes mellitus seen in (60%) of patients.Conclusion: Septic pulmonary embolism is life threateningbut diagnosis is difficult as there are no specific clinicalcomplaints and radiological features but for benefit of patientquick diagnosis and management must be started as it has highmortality rate. SPE should be considered in the differentialdiagnosis of patients presenting extrapulmonary infectivefocus, respiratory symptoms, and parenchymal pulmonarynodules on imaging studies of the chest.Feeding VesselInfective FociAcute BreathlessnessWedge InfarctMODS.A Study of Radiological Appearances of Septic Pulmonary Embolism in Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography ThoraxJournal ArticleIndiaThird Year Resident, Imaging Government Medical College, SuratFirst Year Resident, Department of RadioDiagnosis and Imaging Government Medical College, SuratHead of Department, Department of Radio-Diagnosis and Imaging, Government Medical College, Surat, Gujarat, India