Bose, Ashitha CShankar, Raman RKate, VikramAnanthakrishnan, N2005-03-102009-05-292005-03-102009-05-292005-03-10Bose AC, Shankar RR, Kate V, Ananthakrishnan N. Spontaneous antegrade enteral migration of feeding jejunostomy tube. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2005 Mar-Apr; 24(2): 74 migration of enteral feeding tubes is unusual. We report an 18-year-old man with corrosive stricture of the upper esophagus in whom feeding jejunostomy was performed using an 18F Levine's tube. Thirteen months later, he presented with absence of the tube. The patient was tolerating liquid diet and was managed conservatively. Serial radiographs and colonoscopy showed a steady progress of the tube through the gut. The tube was passed out spontaneously after 20 days.engAdolescentEnteral Nutrition --adverse effectsForeign-Body Migration --etiologyHumansJejunostomyMaleSpontaneous antegrade enteral migration of feeding jejunostomy tube.Case Reports