Dorothy, AKamboj, MReddy, B SMahajan, SBoaz, K2009-05-282009-05-282004-10-23Dorothy A, Kamboj M, Reddy BS, Mahajan S, Boaz K. Sturge Weber syndrome. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2004 Oct-Dec; 15(4): 152-4 variant of hemangioma and an uncommon congenital condition, the Sturge Weber syndrome (SWS), also called encephalo trigeminal angiomatosis, is a neurocutaneous disorder with angiomas involving the skin of the face (cutaneous angioma) and pia arachnoid (leptomeningeal angioma). It occurs typically in the ophthalmic and maxillary distributions of the trigeminal nerve (1,2). Here we present a case of a 14 year old girl.engAdolescentFacial Neoplasms --pathologyFemaleGingival Overgrowth --pathologyHumansScalp --pathologySkin Neoplasms --pathologySturge-Weber Syndrome --diagnosisSturge Weber syndrome.Case Reports