Tony, JoseSaji, SebastianSandesh, KSunilkumar, KRamachandran, T MThomas, Varghese2007-07-042009-06-042007-07-042009-06-042007-07-04Tony J, Saji S, Sandesh K, Sunilkumar K, Ramachandran TM, Thomas V. Non-familial juvenile polyposis in prolapsed rectum. Tropical Gastroenterology. 2007 Jul-Sep; 28(3): 129-30 polyposis located solely on prolapsed rectal mucosa is very unusual. We report the case of a 17-year old boy who presented to us with a history of passage of blood and mucus per rectum of a mass protruding through the anus during defecation. Per rectal and colonoscopic examinations revealed numerous polyps located solely on the prolapsed rectal mucosa. Histopathology was consistent with juvenile polyposis. He was managed with repeated sessions of endoscopic polypectomy. Family screening was negative for colonic polyps.engAdolescentHumansIntestinal Polyposis --etiologyMaleRectal Prolapse --etiologyNon-familial juvenile polyposis in prolapsed rectum.Case Reports