Sharma, B BBhardwaj, NaveenDewan, SakshiAziz, Mir Rizwan2017-01-182017-01-182017-01Sharma B B, Bhardwaj Naveen, Dewan Sakshi, Aziz Mir Rizwan. Adenoma Malignum of Cervix – How Useful is Clinico- Radiological Diagnosis. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research. 2017 Jan-Feb; 3(1): 13-15. malignum (AM) is a rare type of variant of cervical cancer. The entity remains silent because of common complaints of erratic menstrual cycles and leucorrhea in peri-menopausal age group of females. The imaging modalities play a great role in clinching the diagnosis before the final confirmation by histopathological examination. We present 60- years old post menopausal woman who reported to gynecology outpatient department with complaints of per vaginum bleeding and watery discharge of six months duration .She was evaluated by cross imaging modalities of ultrasound (US) ,color flow imaging(CFI) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with working diagnosis of adenoma malignum of cervix..This was subsequently confirmed in histopathological examination. The importance of the case lies because of the early diagnosis by clinic-radiological evaluation in the light of poor prognosis and early dissemination of this entity.enAdenoma malignumUSCFIMRIAdenoma Malignum of Cervix – How Useful is Clinico- Radiological Diagnosis.Article