Samayam, PurnimaChander, Ravi BReddy, V R Sudha2012-06-262012-06-262011-03Samayam Purnima, Chander Ravi B, Reddy V R Sudha. An unusual cause of failure to thrive in a child. National Medical Journal of India. 2011 Mar-Apr; 24(2): 86-87. Bartter syndrome, depending on the severity, presents during childhood or adolescence as failure to thrive and may be incorrectly labelled as protein–energy malnutrition, particularly in children from a low socioeconomic stratum. We encountered a 5-year-old boy who was asymptomatic till the age of 3 years. Despite adequate dietary intake, he was admitted and managed in various hospitals as a case of protein–energy malnutrition. On evaluation, he had unusual features in the form of persistent hypokalaemia and polyuria leading us to suspect a renal tubular disorder. Treatment of the condition resulted in good weight gain and normalization of serum electrolytes.enBartter Syndrome --complicationsBartter Syndrome --diagnosisChild, PreschoolDiagnosis, DifferentialFailure to Thrive --diagnosisFailure to Thrive --etiologyHumansHypokalemia --diagnosisHypokalemia --etiologyMalePolyuria --diagnosisPolyuria --etiologyProtein-Energy Malnutrition --diagnosisAn unusual cause of failure to thrive in a child.Article