Dadhwal, VatslaMittal, SuneetaKumar, SuneshArora, Vivek2016-01-302016-01-302005-07Dadhwal Vatsla, Mittal Suneeta, Kumar Sunesh, Arora Vivek. Expectant Management of Ectopic Pregnancy : Analysis of Four Cases. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2005 Jul-Sept;7(3): 161-163 management of ectopic pregnancy is infrequently used. Used in a select group of patients, the result in terms of success of treatment, tubal patency , later intrauterine pregnancy are comparable to medical and surgical management.We report 4 cases of ectopic pregnancy managed expectantly in one year period and present a review of literature.enEctopic pregnancyExpectant managementExpectant Management of Ectopic Pregnancy : Analysis of Four CasesArticle