Ashraft, S ANazrul Islam, K MShelim Bhuiyan, M1975-10-012009-05-271975-10-012009-05-271975-10-01Ashraft SA, Nazrul Islam KM, Shelim Bhuiyan M. Cholelithiasis--areview of 130 cases. Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin. 1975 Oct; 1(2): 75-84 Medical Research Council Bulletin.One hundred and thirty cases of cholelithiasis were studied in the surgical wards of the Institute of Postgraduate Medicine and Research, Dacca. Geographical distribution, pattern of clinical features, results of biochemical, microbiolgical, histopathological and other investigations have been recorded.engAdolescentAdultAgedBacteria --isolation & purificationBangladeshBile Acids and Salts --urineBile Pigments --urineBilirubin --bloodChildCholecystectomyCholelithiasis --diagnosisCholesterol --bloodDemographyFemaleFood HabitsHumansMaleMiddle AgedPregnancyCholelithiasis--areview of 130 cases.Journal Article