Mohan, DChopra, ASethi, H2001-09-052009-05-272001-09-052009-05-272001-09-05Mohan D, Chopra A, Sethi H. A rapid assessment study on prevalence of substance abuse disorders in metropolis Delhi. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2001 Sep; 114(): 107-14 & OBJECTIVES: No studies in India have attempted to identify in the general population a 'dependent drug user' based on clinically used diagnostic criteria. This two point survey estimated the prevalence of substance use disorders and the change in the trends of drug use after a period of one year in metropolis Delhi. METHODS: A total of 72 colonies in five types of housing clusters were surveyed. The head of the household (HOH) was interviewed only for collecting information about family members (above 10 yr) on an instrument based on the DSM III R operationalised criteria. Trained non medical interviewers administered the precoded instrument to 6004 and 5599 HOH in the first and second surveys respectively. RESULTS: In the first survey, the prevalence of tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and opioids use among males was 27.6, 12.6, 0.3 and 0.4 per cent respectively. The rates were highest in resettlement clusters followed by urban villages, unauthorized, regularized and in 'others' clusters. The use rates remained unchanged during the re-survey. Dependent use (any drug) increased in the resettlement clusters only during the re-survey. INTERPRETATION & CONCLUSION: The results highlight that it is the legal drugs viz., tobacco and alcohol that could pose higher health and social consequences, both short and long term. The situation of illicit drug use (heroin) was higher in the resettlement clusters and urban villages. Need based programmes have to be evolved and executed to keep the drug dependent population stable. The rapid survey technique can be useful in developing countries like India, where resource crunch for survey research is acute. This technique is less costly, quicker to perform and can supplant traditional self-report methodologies.engAdolescentAdultChildFemaleHumansIndia --epidemiologyMaleMiddle AgedPrevalenceQuestionnairesSocial ClassSubstance-Related Disorders --epidemiologyA rapid assessment study on prevalence of substance abuse disorders in metropolis Delhi.Journal Article