S., EliD. G. B., KalioK. E., OkaguaN. C. T., BriggsF. C. C., Wekere2020-10-162020-10-162020-09S. Eli, D. G. B. Kalio, K. E. Okagua, N. C. T. Briggs, F. C. C. Wekere. The Role of Pastors: Attitude of 193 Ante Natal Clinic Attendees towards Caesarean Section at the Rivers State University Teaching Hospital. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research. 2020 Sep; 32(16): 5-62456-8899http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/210282Introduction:Caesarean section (Cs) is a surgical procedure carried out to prevent adverse maternal and fetal outcome. Aversion to Cs may constitute a major obstacle to safe motherhood. Some for pregnant women not accepting Cs are socio-cultural, religious, ethnic or economical.Aim:Determine the attitude of the church in Nigeria and Pastors towards caesarean section, hence profer solution to the aversion to caesarean section. Methods:It was a prospective study of ANC attendees at the RSUTH. The information was coded and analyzed using SPSS version 25.Results:A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed and 193 retrieved. The mean age was 31 years. The modal parity was 2. As regards level of education; respondents with no formal education were 5 (2.6%), primary 6 (3.1%), secondary 88 (45.6%) and tertiary 94 (48.7%). Fifty seven (30%) of the antenatal mothers had aversion for CS. The reasons given were socio-cultural 25 (13%), religious 8 (4.1%), economic 7 (3.6), ethnic 4 (2.1%), combination of the above 17 (8.8%) and 132 (68.4%) did not respond.Conclusion:The study revealed that the aversion for CS was 30% amongst antenatal clinic attendees at the RSUTH. Religious in this scenario were all Christians was 4.1 %, non-respondents were 68.4%. Counselling and advocacy are needed to change the wrong perspective about CS by the Pastors to reduce maternal and perinatal mortalityMentalitycaesareansectionrolepastorsThe Role of Pastors: Attitude of 193 Ante Natal Clinic Attendees towards Caesarean Section at the Rivers State University Teaching HospitalJournal ArticleIndiaMother and Baby Care Global Foundation, NigeriaDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, NigeriaDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, NigeriaDepartment of Community Medicine, Rivers State University, Nigeria.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria