Mukherjee, ARoy, TMukherjee, SBasu, NDuttamunshi, A1993-05-012009-05-311993-05-012009-05-311993-05-01Mukherjee A, Roy T, Mukherjee S, Basu N, Duttamunshi A. Neurocysticercosis. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 1993 May; 41(5): 287-9 cases of neurocysticercosis (NCC) were examined over a period of five years. Convulsive seizure was the commonest presentation (57%). The other modes of presentation included features of raised intracranial pressure (19%) meningoencephalitis (9%), "Stroke" like onset (4%) and progressive dementia (6%). Clinical signs were scanty. Six patients had papilloedema, five had hemiparesis while three had isolated cranial nerve palsies. Soft tissue calcification and mucocutaneous nodules were infrequent and was found in 13 (21%) and 5 cases (8%) respectively. Clinical suspicion supported by CT scan and Immunobiologic tests using ELISA were the mainstay in diagnosis. Praziquantel and Albendazole were found effective in the treatment of neurocysticercosis, but because of serious side effects encountered in some cases, the drugs should be used cautiously in selected cases only.engAdolescentAdultAlbendazole --therapeutic useAntibodies, Helminth --cerebrospinal fluidChildChild, PreschoolCysticercosis --diagnosisEnzyme-Linked Immunosorbent AssayFemaleHumansInfantMaleMiddle AgedNervous System Diseases --diagnosisPraziquantel --therapeutic useTinea --immunologyTomography, X-Ray ComputedNeurocysticercosis.Journal Article