Pandya, Sunil K2016-12-212016-12-212016-07Pandya Sunil K . Guidelines for stem cell science and clinical translation. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. 2016 Jul-Sept; 1 (3): 160-161.0975-5691 International Society for Stem Cell Research has released its updated guidelines for stem cell research in order to provide “assurance that stem cell research is conducted with scientific and ethical integrity and that new therapies are evidence-based.” The guidelines were updated by a Guidelines Update Task Force consisting of twenty-five scientists, ethicists and experts in health care policy from nine countries. The chairpersons of this task force are Jonathan Kimmelman, George Daley and Insoo Hyun. There is no representative from India; the only person of Indian origin on it, Mahendra Rao, represents The New York Stem Cell Foundation.enGuidelines for stem cell science and clinical translation.Article